Motorola XPR 5550 Desktop Microphone Button Left and Right

Motorola XPR 5550 Desktop Microphone Button Left and Right

My question is: The RMN5050 microphone I'm using for the radio has two buttons on it. The right-side "lightning bolt" button is the PTT button to transmit, but I can't figure out what the left-side "speaker icon" button does. When I try to push it, nothing appears to happen.

Does anybody know what the purpose of the left-side "speaker icon" button is?

See below for an image of the Motorola RMN5050 microphone I'm using:

Its to monitor the channel/Frequency PRIOR to required by law....although today the way radios are programmed its kinda moot

VE3WZW Andre

1 comment:

  1. Usually works as a monitor button in analog mode. If using ctcss is lets you see if anyone is transmitting on another ctcss tone so you don't double with them. Holding the button down switches you to the carrier squelch mode.


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